Saturday, November 10, 2007

Gorilla Gorilla

So I got a call from my old friend Cesar yesterday, and I felt bad because I had someplace to go and rushed him off the phone. I am VERY bad at keeping in touch with folks and really should do a better job of it, but am always very happy to hear from everybody. Thanks for calling Cesar!

If you don’t know Cesar, he’s a product of Cogswell College and just an awesome animator, he instantly earned my respect after just working with him for a few days. He is working mostly with Flash as of late and seems to be doing well with it. I remember him always going on and on about gorillas so I thought I’d post a gorilla progression I did in PS a while back. I blasted it out too quickly and was happy with the results at first but now that it’s had a chance to settle in, I feel like I need to go back and work on it more. Let me know what you think.

The Sketch

Background and Color Comp

Foreground in Progress

Final for now...


  1. Thats a great Illustration Jeff. I love the expression on his face and the detail in it.

  2. I don't understand what you don't like about this Jeff. I think it looks great. If I ever think of something more helpful to critique about it I'll let you know.

  3. I like the final comp, especially the face and rain. the leaf tho feels a bit flat near the grip of the leaf. my only other crit is that he feels compressed towards the right arm leading down.

  4. This is very awesome!

    For the critique, I agree with Mike S. There's something about the arms. The anatomy is correct (of course) as well as the perspective. But I think it's the aesthetic appeal that might be throwing you off Jeff. It's the gorilla's silhouette, like the posing just needs to be pushed into a more clearer read. But this honestly is very minor.

    --Big C
