Saturday, August 23, 2014

Like Superheroes? Check this out!

The Superhero Auction for Jules Jammal will be happening happening on Sept 6th, 2014.  Have a look at this gallery of fantastic art and make a bid to benefit a scholarship in Jules' name.
We lost a great man and good friend and SJSU and Animation Mentor instructor in the Spring of 2014.  But the Animation/Illustration program at SJSU is raising money to help his memory live on through a a special scholarship award for future students.  The Super Hero Auction is an effort to make this scholarship a reality. Artists from ILM, Dreamworks, Disney and many other studios have used their talents to create super hero themed pieces ready for bidding as we speak. Please click the link above and check out some great work and make a bid.  A live auction will take place on Sept 6th at 6:00pm in the San Jose State University Ballroom. Also a book is being made with prints of the art work up for auction, signed by the artists!
The winning bid for my painting(s) will receive a free print of Hula Hoopin' Wonder Woman above. Thanks for stoppin' by!

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