This was given to me by a student. Is this stuff sinking in, I wonder?

On a different note, yet same topic; at least students of mine can't say I don't out of my way for them. For in class modeling on
Thursdays, I opted to join them for 20 one minute Thor! (I have a hammer -
Mjölnir - now) Thanks to Tien for the photos.

The above could almost work for for the
Turnaround page (which is in need of some updating).

The stuff I do. Higher learning indeed. By the way, did I say I now have a crankin' hammer?
My! What dedication!! Your students will be telling that story for years..
Cheers for the notes on folds, it is very helpful =)
Taranamator, I think they just think I'm crazy. Glad these posts are helpful, Edward. Have a look around or just type in "cloth" or "costume" in the upper left and you may find some other pages that strike your fancy. I do need to update some posts but if there is something specific you are looking for, please let me know.
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