Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Discussing Camera Angle

We have been discussing camera angles in terms of illustration and film and here is a handout. Click for larger version. On the same topic is Scale or Framing Heights (How much of the subject's height is seen in the shot) each has a different meaning. Do not over use any of them, a variety of shots and angles keeps your work alive. I call it the Hershey's Kiss Principle: If you eat one or two Hershey's Kisses, they are satisfying, but if somebody poured a truckload of them down your throat, you wouldn't like them much, or at least you'd tired of them.
Thanks for stopping by, have fun drawing/boarding.


  1. Thanks, was helpful with my current project. :)

  2. Thanks, was helpful with my current project. :)

  3. Glad it was useful, thanks for stopping by.

  4. Would it be possible to get higher quality scans of the handouts?

  5. Whoops i didn't see this until now, so sorry! I'll put something higher res up soon.
