Monday, April 27, 2009

Me and My Memory....May 27, 2009

Me and My memory: Why We Remember Somethings and Forget Others will be out May 27, 2009. I just got an advance copy. It looks good as final product here, are some examples below.

Buy some copies and I'll sign them all for you. We can discuss what worked as far as image building and what did not later, there are some things that need to change for the next one. For now, I'll breathe a sign of relief knowing it's finally done. The next one, "Me and My Emotions: What emotions are and how we can manage them" is on it's way stay tuned. I need to get as much done on it before I come to teach summer semester. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. yes yes! where can we buy?.....

  2. OH sweet! :D I want a signed copy >.>

  3. Try this seems the other has been removed
