Monday, January 12, 2009

Salon and On and On and On...

As we always say in our group posts, "Greetings Salon monkeys..."
Wow it's been 6 years since Figure Drawing Salon got its start. Here's a look back at some of the posters I put together to advertise
Cogswell College’s Figure Drawing Salon.
A special thank you to Reid Winfrey for originally coming up with the title, ASB and to Student Life for sponsoring this weekly drawing event after all of this time and to my friend and collegue David Perry without whom these sessions would not have become a reality. Also a gesture of thanks to the Palo Alto Model's Guild for bringing us great models all of these years. But the biggest thanks goes to all of you who have dutifly paid your three bucks each week to keep the Salon going.
I am sad to say that circumstances outside of school have prevented me from attending many of these sessions as of late but now, I think it will be entirely possible to attend the Wednesday night sessions and get back into the swing of figure drawing.
So without further ado, here's a look back to some of the doors and windows and occasionally the candy machine where these posters have been hanging all this time. Our first official poster Spring of '03.
Note the ongoing reference to Officers Perry and Jackson. If you'd ever had storyboarding you'd know what this refers to.

Hard to believe that I went to all the trouble to make some many posters in one semester. That doesn't happen anymore, that's for sure.Woof! Some of the drawings on these things are terrible! I'm surprised anybody came considering the yucky visuals.
Wednesday night...Tell your family you won't be home.
I don't know what happened to summer and fall 04, sorry.
Bad drawing night? Try drawing trolls...'works for me. Used to reserve that for after 9:00 but now it may just be a troll night. Luckily the models haven't taken offense yet.
We try to play different music and just be low key overall. The Plan Nine From Outer Space soundtrack has been played more than once during these sessions. As has William Shatner, lounge acts, wedding music and hockey games. Sometimes it's hard to hear the music over all of the folks insulting each other for fun.
Mmm trolls.
We've tried different formats too. I think this one is still on the cards.
Mmm more trolls.
Trolls don't work for you? How about super heroes, horses, gorillas, or even pigs?
At least the design is little better.
I didn't think about it, but I use certain fonts a lot.

Uh..heh looks like I ran out of time to be very creative for the summer '08 poster. I hope nobody noticed.Five years and still three bucks. What a deal.
The most current Poster. large enough for you to print out and make your own. Hang it on a candy machine why don'tcha?
Hope to see you there.
"Short poses; because life's too short to draw long poses.
Have fun drawing, and thanks again.


  1. Awesome posters Jeff - I didn't know you made half that many.

    I really can't wait to move back out there and attend drawing salon again. I think the last time I went was mid October :\ My drawing is really hurtin'.

    Thanks for linking my work for the Yoda challenge. Maybe sometime we can discuss color more in depth (color balance especially) - that'd be cool. Take it easy!

  2. The Drawing Salon takes me back to the days. I remember in its infancy when it got started and there would be like 3 students drawing. But eventually it got really popular and the numbers grew. Thanks for keeping this traditional alive for so long.

  3. Hey kyle! Howdy Kingsley!
    I think it's been around long enough for a person to have gotten in the neighborhood of 15,120 drawings assuming you take the average pose counts per week at 12 weeks per semester per 3 semesters at 6 years.
    Something like that.
    Thanks for stopping by! Send me some of your drawings if you like and I'll post them.

  4. I miss salon! Some of the best memories from Cogswell!
