Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Students Are Cooler Than Your's

I don't know who suggested it but one of my students said it would be fun to wear a costume so we could draw everybody for class today and I was pleased to see everybody came dressed up. This was fun idea and everybody seemed to have a great time. We paraded around campus and should have had our trick or treat bags. We went outside to get some pictures in the smokey air (all of California is on fire right now - thus my fire department costume) Then we went inside to draw each other. What a great group of students I've got!
Everybody gets to silly now and then. I think I'm being beaten to death here.
Time for a little reflection.
Holy Sheet!
What is this sheet?

Verily, I seeketh me mead

This is an awesome hat! Why don't we wear stuff this anymore?
Chinese upper class from a time long past.
Crouching Tiger....?

Anyone for some Kendo?

A kimono suprise.
Kinda blue
Ready for the Convention
Nothing up my sleeve.
Fairy Princess Queen she tells me
She's back!
I'm so shiney...
I guess I should get to work and help put these fires out.

Aren't my students great? We need to do this more often.


  1. what a sexy fireman!

  2. There's techno music playing somewhere. Get back to work on your self portrait, Heath.
