Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gesture 2 Character Examples

Hello out there,
I haven't posted in so long I forgot what I was last focused on...Oh yeah, the Santa challenge.
Seeing as it's January 31 already, looks like I sort of missed the seasonal nature of that. I'll post something a little later with that in mind. For that post I have to say is: "Saul Ruiz"- stay turned for more, friends.
In the mean time, my students are off working on gestures for the character class. So in lieu of the lecture on Wednesday the 30th, I am posting some examples that take a gesture and modify it to character. Students, I hope this aids in your WOZ characters for Monday's review.
First a more masculine gesture for the workbook. By adding a bit more sweep and delicacy to the lines, you can a much more feminine look while still keeping the action of the original gesture.
Same is true for the reverse, by thinking about the size of your simple construction shapes, you can take a softer more feminine gesture and use it to build another type of character; in this case, a short, heavy guy. In this case I opted to make the gesture just a bit more stiff by straightening the force lines a bit. These are very quick examples, if you need further details or more examples let me know by leaving a comment here. Have fun drawing!


  1. hey jeff,

    I haven't heard from you in a while! I saw on the schedule that you are teaching 4 classes. That's Great! let me know when you go over some muscles in you drawing for animation class. will have to sit in and join the Shenanigans.

  2. Hey Joe
    Good to hear from you. Time seems to be slipping through my fingers. Thanks for your patience. I just did some musculature stuff on Saturday for the animal drawing class. I'll post that soon. Stick around and I'll let you know when we get into muscles.

  3. cool! good to see your busy! hope you get the chance to teach more classes. hey, you should probably teach digital painting!
