Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Pelvis Studies

Every semester I discuss the all important "A" from the "GCAT" method in figure drawing. This semester is no different and this time I opted to post lecture notes and studies here to further my students' notes and for your enjoyment. "A"- Anatomy with harbinger being the skeleton. With hope, the sketches shown will provide some visual assistance for you. This is just a coincidence that we cover the skeleton shortly before Halloween. Let me know if this is helpful for any of you. Have fun drawing!
Here's some of the "G"-gesture & "C""C" - Construction ready for some anatomy now.
Placing the skeleton, emphasis on the pelvis in the previous threeA quick sketch using all components and little finish. More to come.


  1. Gee Joshua, sorry my blog seems lonely to you. I hope you find what you're looking for.

  2. O_o lonely? ... wow.

    Anyhoo, very nice Jeff :D Mmm pelvises. Now if there would be something on hands *cough* or faces :D yes faces :D (these being my weaknesses that I want to become obsessed with).

    --Big C

  3. well jeff, you know what my weaknesses are, so.... you can post some more of that stuff for my benefit. hahaha...

    from: "Mr. Handout" or also known as the "pain in the ass!

    joe g

  4. Ooooooo.... P.S.


    Joe G

  5. Great post Jeff.

    I've decided in the last few days that I'm really going to go back to the C in GCAT until I nail it down. I had it pretty well down in D4A but it isn't something I've kept practicing. So yeah, this is helpful thanks!

    -Kyle V.

  6. hands, and heads and stuff...
    okay, that will come, gotta get through muscles first. joe, you're such a pain in the ass I don't know what you're looking for, Can you be a bit more specific?
    Come back by soon, folks, I'll have more to post, time permitting.

  7. well, i think i have construction down to a science, but anatomy (of course) and how its applied to the construction, i have major problems with (especially the muscles in the arms and legs). if you could put that stuff on your blog that would be helpful.

    oh, by the way, do you have any suggestions regarding books on how to draw females (character or realistic) that i could refer to? don't know how to draw them well as you know.

    -joe g

  8. Awesome studies Jeff...love the blog.

    -David H

  9. Books on how to draw the female? There are thousands I think…
    Hmm, well you should have "Atlas of Anatomy For The Artist" by Stephen Rogers Peck. That is good for all around proportions and anatomy and stuff. Read through it and find the variations between male and female form.
    Tom Bancroft came out with a great book in 2006 called "Creating Characters With Personality" that addresses females quite well and is probably the best drawing for animation geared book of its kind.
    Andrew Loomis is always a great resource, try doing a search for some paperback reprints on Amazon.com or other booksellers’ sites.
    Look at the drawing of Dean Cornwell too if you’re looking for classical illustrators who could reeeeeeeeaaly draw.
    Check out the drawings of Glen Vilppu, Karl Gnass-two instructors I admire.
    The list goes on and on. Let’s hook up and we can discuss some folks who can draw the female figure well that you can peruse.
    Thanks for the kind thoughts Dave H.
    Thanks everyone for stopping by. Let me know what else I need address.

  10. sweet!! yeah lets get together and discuss some stuff. I was going to ask you about that book (Creating Characters With Personality) because i remember you showing that in class. awesome book! gonna buy that one. Man... those loomis books are really expensive! I'm going to look around some more to see if i can find a deal.


    P.S. I have a great idea for the halloween challenge but wont have time to do it before the dead line. i'll do it when i can and give it to you.

  11. You could always post some sketches ya' know. Send me what you've got you big PITA.

  12. pita! me like.

    joe g

  13. So, I'm sure you've noticed I removed Joshua's comment...It was a little long and kinda bad form trying to get traffic to his site. Soooo after a long chat with my lawyer, I decided that sort of thing has no business on this here blog . We all wanna be happy and so on but don't try to generate traffic to a add site okee doky? Now, let's all have a big group hug.

  14. my god, hope you get to do some of this stuff in the ani28 class. love those gorgeous lines.

  15. I don't expect we'll get that much into it in ANI 28, Moon. But maybe we could work out something. Thanks for following.
