Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Composition: Aspect Ratios

We will be using some of these in class, so to make this convenient I posted here for you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Emails I send out just to get people to do their homework...

Here is tonight's, happy Valentine's Day.

*Barry White plays in the background...

Hello baby.
I wanna tell you about homework. Yeah baby the homework that was assigned
today. You know the kind that was assigned while you made your beautiful
pencils move around on that paper.

Yeah babe. You may think this is going to take your whole life to do but you
can believe it will be due on Tuesday Feb 21. That's right baby, and you'll be
able to do it because, babe, you can't get enough homework babe.And when you do
it babe, I want you to just do it right there n your sketchbook babe.

So babe, you know when you open up your sketchbook and start workin' there ain't
no thang that's going stop you, so your gonna get in and get started doing a
grid for your room, babe. You know, just figgerin' out how all your stuff fits
in a room. No details or any other stuff that can get in the way of love, babe,
just basic shapes, babe. But this grid, you know you just can't get enough of
this grid thing, but babe, all you have to do is just one. One little page with
your beautiful pencils, babe.

Now you also have these five other location studies to do, babe, because you
just can't get enough of locations, babe. Now you're gonna open your
sketchbooks up and find a spot to draw. Now, baby, I know I told you I didn't
care what you drew for the other five and I don't, babe. So long as these
locations aren't from your standing height, babe. That's right I want you find
a spot other than standing that you can make those beautiful pencils swirl
around. yeah, babe, you can sit in a chair and see the world with your lovely
eyes as a person with lovely eyes sees the world for a siting position. Or,
babe, as you can't get enough locations, babe. Maybe try to lay yourself down
on the floor maybe in front of the cracklin' fire, babe. Be careful not to get
shavings from your beautiful pencils in the fur rug, babe. Draw the world with
your beautiful pencils from so low you just gotta know you're seeing things that
no standing person can see, babe. just draw 'em, babe. Don't you worry none
'bout just cubes or volumes or grids. Just you, your beautiful pencils and your
locations, babe.

Ah and honey, I don't want you to forget, babe, your cube rotation assignment,
babe. Twenty-five cubes of pure happiness, babe. 'cause babe, you just can't
get enougha these cubes, babe. So now, babe. just ease into your assignment and
let your beautiful pencils do their works of beauty and make beautiful things
that are beautiful. Cause Cube Rotation...can't get enougha this cube thang.
Cause Cube Rotation...can't get enougha this cube thang. Cause Cube
Rotation...can't get enougha this cube thang. Oh babe. Cause Cube
Rotation...can't get enougha this cube thang.....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Perspective: Building a Grid - Part One; 1PP

Started discussing using grids to make proportional perspective drawings in class today. Here is the first of several parts on the subject. This first one being a 'getting started/basics review' thingy. WARNING: The following are very crude note sketches that blew out in contrast when scanned, please forgive the crudity of the drawings herein.

1) As always begin with your horizon line (HL), intersect with the central vertical axis (CVA), and plot your station point (SP)
2) Measure the height from SP to center of vision. In this case I'm thinking the camera or viewer is at 6 feet. Then bring the distance down.

Before we forget it, find the median point (MP). For more info on that go here.
Bring convergence lines down to the measurements on the base line as shown in blue. To start laying in the horizon lines to complete the grid, first we need to find a perfect square and we use the MP to do this. Remember, we need a perfect square otherwise the measurements will be off so refer again to the Perspective basics handout linked above.Now that you have found a square in distance, you can easily plot more grid lines as they move back toward the center of vision.
To do this, let's take a moment to discuss how to draw repeating objects in space. Above I have included a certain sized plane receding in space.
Find the center of the plane by connecting the opposing corners with lines as shown.
Draw a convergence line which passes through the direct center of the plane to the vanishing point (Step 1). Next draw a line from either of the nearest corners of the plane so that it passes the half division of the farthest side of the plane and continues to the opposite convergence line as shown in Step 2. Step 3, drop a line perpendicular to the horizon to the other convergence line.
Repeat the process as shown above. You now have same sized planes positioned right next to each other which recede proportionally in space.
Back to the grid, just use this process to place lines parallel as they recede. Here I have added the 'center line' of the nearest square.
Repeat the above steps as shown.
Soon you'll have yourself a quality grid that is based on true square as determined by the MP. Here's an example of using a grid for a book I'm working on. (And you thought these are just random assignments to keep you from playing Call of Duty huh?) I will add more this soon. I will post more on this topic soon, stand by. For now I am going to wade through all the other stuff that is demanding my attention. Have fun drawing.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Horizon Lines and Wide/telephotos

No matter what height, horizon line is constant, use it in your drawings always. Do you know which image uses a telephoto lens? (No children were placed in danger to capture these photos.) Top: 55mm (standard) bottom: 300mm (telephoto). Notice how the far background leaps forward while the middle ground compresses. What happens in telephoto is teh station point remains in the same place but the vanising points move farther away from each other. Conversely, in a fish eye lens (extreme wide angle)n the VPs are pushed closer together, bending convergence creating a view that describes a great deal of space but through massive distortion.