Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kai Reece Jackson

What better way to celebrate my 100th post then to ask you all to welcome the Jackson Clan's newest member, Kai Reece Jackson! Born Oct 14th at 9:03am he weighed 9lbs 10oz and was 20 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing fine although the little guy was processing his glucose too fast and had to be on IV in the nursery for most of his life outside the womb. But at 9:00 last night he got to come off IV and stay with Mommy and I. He's sleeping well and Mommy is doing great, walking around and doing a little soft shoe. Amara is a very happy big sister and so far has adjusted well to this new little being. Both Mommy and Kai will be coming home soon. More pictures soon,
Thanks for stopping by!Kai's first picture.
No flashes Daddy!
Hair!Finally some open eyes

Thumbs...Swaddled upAmara and her little brotherThe fam
The feet...More later have to get back to hospital now.


Unknown said...

aww. SO CUTE. Congratulations to the family!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME NAME! Congrats on being a daddy again!

Priscilla Burris said...

Awesome name and photos, and the most heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS!

Evan Clover said...

Congratulations Jeff!

Kyle Van Meurs said...

Haha congratulations Jeff!!! The Sonjebasa clan gets bigger!

Josh said...

Congrats Jeff!!! He has big feet like his dad... think maybe he will teach storyboarding?...or will he be a doctor? Rock on man, congrats on the boy!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! so cute :) and great name!

Psy said...

Awww, I'm so happy for you and your family! Congratulations!!

Unknown said...

Yay! Congratulations to the new Jackson member! Again, awesome name :D Sounds like some famous rock star or artist. Or maybe a crazy scientist.

91special said...

That's awesome Jeff! Congratulations on having your second little one... :)

Unknown said...

Cute! I love the button nose and little hat...I like the photo with Amara where he's yawning the best, it's adorable ^_^ Congratulations to all of you again!!

Fabster said...

Wow real healthy little boy!Congratulations you guys - and really love the name!

Anonymous said...

Woo! Cute name, congrats! Now don't go soft on us :)

jgiambrone said...

well jeff looks like many sleepless nights are ahead for you. nice to see the fam's getting bigger. hopefully he will play hockey and get drafted to the sharks, so they finally can win a championship in my lifetime!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jeff!!! Welcome to the 2 kid club brother. Congratulations to you and the fam. Ok when you go completely nuts give me a call and Ill talk ya through it. Talk to ya soon.

Jeff Jackson said...

It's so wonderful to hear from all of you. We cam home today (Friday) when i've had a few winks, I'll type more. Thanks for your kind thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Two beautiful, talented, intelligent, wonderful, and happy children. Of course, we are slightly prejudiced! What a joy to have another grandchild! Love you all and get some sleep. Love mom and dad J.

Pat Gillette said...

Very late, but very sincere congratulations. His name is intriguingly close to someone sent back from the future to protect a certain other someone. Duh dun dun da dun.

Jason said...

Hey Jeff, I'm a little late to say, but congratulations!